Goodness gracious it's been forever since I've blogged here. Since xanga almost seems off limits I suppose I am back to blogging to this wonderful site. Not being so sarcastic, but since I'm not use to this it's going to take a while. I guess I'm still a little disappointing that even if xanga does make the fundraiser that it will cost to blog.
Anyways, the reason why I'm actually starting to blog since I hadn't really been doing that in a long while. I should, it's always so helpful. =D
So today, just seems like summer is coming to an end and running so quickly. I signed up Danny for Summer school and it so happened that it happened to have started 2 weeks before he starts regular school. It's July 22 and he ends on August 2nd. Now, regular school starts on August 7th. Not to mention that that will mean endless homework, the only reason I looked forward to finishing school but children defiinitely change all of that. Sometimes helping with homework sucks but the truth is that as much as it is hard for me I can't imagine how hard it is for my son when he's actually struggling, you know? Cest la vie and it must continue.
I should start teaching lessons soon enough. I start once the school year starts as well. Well that school starts on August 8 but since it starts on a thursday I probably will not start lessons until the next week. The date is still not known. I'm always excited to meet new students and help them expand their mind which leads me to needing to practice more. I'm so happy I get to work and teach kids. It's a truly life experience, now I wished my son sometimes listened to me like my students did. But, I suppose that's every teacher's issue. The money here isn't that great and we usually invest more which hurts the pocket expecially because it feels like I sometimes don't give enough to my son but then again if I didn't teach private music lesson then there wouldn't be any money at all. Life is hard at times, but when I see the people in it, it doesn't feel so bad after all.
I'm still hoping that I'm going to find a job soon.It's so hard living where I'm living and not being able to work without commuting. I commute to teaching lessons and gas for like is like $25 round trip so I know I at least have to teach 2 students to be able to afford the drive which sucks having to depend on that to keep doing what I love. The more I avoid LA and the city themore it seems like I'm going to be pulled out there almost but not against my will. It's so far but it's the only place where there seems to be jobs and where there is at least one person I want there, Johnson. I don't know but life just pulls me closer that way and to him. I love that man, and he does so much for us it would be awesome to be able to help him out like he has tried to help myself and my son and a job would be the best first step in doing done.
More to come.
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