Yea, obviously I am since I am typing . I think I'm up because I slept a bit during the day. Well I didn't mean to.
Sunday, we made tamales. And like always those are fun. A lot of work... well the best part to them is tasting the final product. And well we didn't stay up too late. They were done by like 11:30ish but Johnson and I fell asleep and thank goodness they didn't burn because we never heard the timer go off. We checked them, ate a couple and decided to turn in. Well I took a shower but he had been knocked out. he must be tired from his work week.
So, in the morning it was so hard to get up and we have been sleeping well the last couple of nights. Monday morning was not fun getting up. Well he showers and I get the tamales ready for delivery. He leaves.
I was suppose to give my mom a massage.
I just paid of my debt from my breaks... yay! So this means that this would go to the vitamins I am taking. But, she had work to do for herself. I went to my room and just sat for a minute, this huge sleepiness came over. It was like the sleepiness was not in any way controlled. I knocked out... I would wake up but I couldn't wake up if you know what I mean. Everything was hazy and I was so sleepy still, I think I'd move and knockout again. One time Danny was standing over me. I don't sleep during the day, so I'm sure he found it odd. It was weird for me too...
It was like being in that sleep deep felt so right and so comfortable. I just hope that type of sleepiness never hits me like that. I hate the feeling of being helpless. I know I can be tired and groggy but I couldn't even wake up and much less get up for that matter. I slept from 9-1pm even though from night time I have slept from like 11ish to 8ish... So I know I slept well.
Anyways, so now I'm up and it's about to be 2am and we're suppose to leave as soon as we can to Pomona. My mom's friend lives out there.
Tuesday is Danny's last day of freedom before he starts school. My boy is starting 2nd. I know this year will be more challenging. He is also going to start his first year of his Cathecism class so he can do his first communion after his 2nd year. It's going to be challenging. I hope I'm more involved. I need to be for this to work.
Let's see how it all goes.
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