I'm not crazy photo: I'm not Crazy... s.gif

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

black widows

A few days ago I wrote about how spiders made me feel. It was one of the worst, paralyzing, helpless feelings I had ever felt. My heart was racing, it was a form of anxiety and I hadn't felt anything close to that since college when the ex would deliberately drive me to anxiety attacks... anyways after going outside in the night and opening my eyes to the nocturnal life of spiders and particularly black widows: females and males.

My parents have this spray they use for some plants so that bugs don't eat them. My dad told me that would work. I applied some the night after I came to face with them. Some died which made me feel better... And other I felt ok, the next day... in our mail box there was a huge black bellied black widow... Can you imagine what I felt? First time I killed a spider/bug and I used a stick. The whole time I probably looked like a crazy person.

I spoke to my dad a few days ago. I think it was Saturday. I told him I don't want to go outside at night because the spiders have shown up. See my dad when I was young use to work for a pest control company so he has dealt with bugs his whole life and not only that  but since he does a lot of construction and remodeling he deals with it all. But, since we've been lucky to have him who of us wants to really see what he sees. I guess we kind of take that for granted since he would after hours go outside with a bright flashlight and kill all the spiders. So my dad told me to use the red spray and I told him I had then he proceeded to say that he also had another one.

Sunday night, it was time to  face my nightmare. My boyfriend and I went outside and both with our phone flashlights we went found found ever single little one. Now I see why my dad waits until  night, not only are they night spiders but with the shadow any little light towards them can show a huge spider therefore by making them a lot more visible. I don't know how many we spray but it was in 30-40s or more I didn't count. There were so many little tiny ones, it was insane. We don't want them. It felt good killing them. I felt powerful. I mean I did have the poison. Must better than the feeling I had last time but I do admit I can't have a spiderweb touch me. I just can't. They're so sticky and I would get all edgy.

The spiders are dead and I'm happy! It's just peachy keen.

 Female Black widow

Male Black widow
this one tend to be much smaller but since these were the best pic so far. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

old friendship and new relationships...

I know some people show their feelings online and some don't. It's normal, it's a form of self expression. I'm guilty of it myself. I mean it's a form I have to let it out. And I should probably just unsubscribe but you know I feel bad for this person. All she had is sad comments about her love life. I don't know the jist of what happen but as far as I can tell about it... maybe he broke up with her(or mutual) but she feels he might regret it one day. And that is what makes me so sad for the way she expresses herself. Just from experience but you have to live it and go through it to learn and manage the copping that comes with it.

I have learned many things and one is that guys don't regret very much. And sure sometimes we like to think they would regret it but I've learned that 99% of the time they don't. He would an odd ball out that would. Well not necessarily but if he loved her and she didn't and she broke up with him them... some guys are put in that position. (Same thing happens  to guys is what I'm trying to say) There are many men and women who break and turn the nice good ones into what they become, heartless F****! That isn't always a bad thing but it can be. Opening up can be difficult. It only takes the right person coming into their lives.

I remember when my ex specifically (but not limited to other men I've dated in the past)  broke up with me. I felt like (sadly) I was the best thing to happen to him (them) ( I wasn't, this wife now, who has been taken for granted is a great woman who has helped him a lot, a different story of why I think highly of her and I admire her) . And in a way it  would make me feel better and then it would be myself kicking my self down because then that meant I even wasn't  good enough. We tend to lie to ourselves and hurt ourselves even more.

Now it took me time to realize that maybe I wasn't the whole problem and maybe he was part of it as well. Duh, Sometimes I think we just suddenly become dumb when we're heart broken because we're not thinking clearly. You try and see if compatibility grows as you're getting to know each other better  but sometimes syncing isn't quite as it should. Now, let's say that if I would have stayed with any of them, would I be happy? Sure I would be happy for a while but they wouldn't. So then with the disagreements and incompatibility would I be happy trying to make someone happy and sacrificing my happiness? Which let's say think of it this way: they loved you and you didn't love them... Would you be happy sacrificing yourself for a person? Women like I use to be and how some are, we would still be trying so hard  to make it work no matter what. I think that even through our unhappiness we would keep trying but eventually that catches up to you. You can't compromise yourself and think you're going to be happy and most importantly you cannot compromise their happiness.  It doesn't work this way and you're not suppose to make it work this way.

In a break-up or when you stop the dating, you're sort of going through a 'cold turkey' detox from a very powerful drug that our body makes while deeply infatuated or possibly in love. You're depressed or on a high making the reality and illusion. In all honesty what ever happens during those moments cannot really be remembered in all clarity because it's not. You're in your own personal drug withdrawals. I remember feeling the pain during what would be anniversaries and special days like Valentine's day. Suddenly that special love day become a horrible single awareness realization that you're going to be "Forever Alone." Not the case, but that's how we feel at the moment. Keep busy, will always be the best way to help getting through anything.

One thing we can always do is change those dates that have these nostalgic meanings into something positive. It's not an easy easy process but I assure you, that it is very possible. At first it's hard but after a while the positive becomes stronger than that nostalgic sad date. I, for example, was having a bit of a hard time for a while back in the past. My anniversary was November  5th... When I was expecting my son his due date was December 22, 2005 ... when it came time for the baby shower, well since I was in U of R ... my schedule was limited but the best day was November 5th, 2005... and although at the time it was still difficult, in the end it became such a memorable experience that all I remember for that date is happy moments. It was the celebration of my pregnancy with all my loved ones, friends, family, and my mom's friends and to be honest it was one of the happiest days of my life.

We need to remember the happy moments in the relationships we're in. And, let them go as they were, happy moments but never let those moments define your life. Don't make your life so miserable because you can't recreate those moments. The hard part is that as well, trying to move on. Also, don't reminisce on the negative but don't forget the bad. You must never forget the negative experiences so that you will know what to look for in the next relationship or when you date people. You should always learn from all experiences and take in the good and learn from the bad.

Red flagging will be your best friend. It may seem you're too off-standish or paranoid or even distrusting but give yourself time to really know the person. I once listed the characteristics/qualities I wanted in a man. Never just take anyone because they're paying attention to you. Give yourself, self worth.

What I have done in the past is meet people and get to know them as who they are and be accepting. It's best you know them, as who they are. Figure out their flaws, know your flaws as well, because as you have been burned by others, trust and be sure they have been burned themselves so opening up is always tough especially as we get older. When you know their flaws or just a few of them, think about it this way: Can I live with those? Do those[flaws] annoy me? How long will it take for that to irritate me? Can I love those flaws? You have to pick someone that you know you will be able to handle the worse you know about them...And most of all, know that what ever decision you make, it was a choice. It was a choice you made to love that person. Love is a choice you make from the get go. If you're looking for an adventure don't bother. Expect to be treated how you're treating them. It's as simple as that.

I'm a single mom and when I got with my boyfriend, we talked about how we felt about marriage in the future and what we felt about divorce. We agreed that for us marriage was a sacred bond between two people no matter what. And we agreed when and if we ever decided to get married, divorce wouldn't be on the plate. We don't think that  starting marriage with the definition of divorce would lead us anywhere. Have in mind the things that you will want to know about that person and your position and their position. There many things to consider that will make the relationship work.

I am not married yet but I have to tell you, I've been the happiest in my life now than I have ever been. He's accepting, loving and caring. And we do have disagreements but we're able to talk and discuss. We communicate a and I'm sure that that is the best way to make any relationship work.

Best of luck!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Bugs... Spiders

I seriously don't think I had felt so much small anxiety as I felt last night. Well let me back track a bit, yes I have but I meant with spiders. I know there are bugs outside and well it's nature, right?! It is summer.

When I was a little girl my dad worked on pest control. So I always had the certainty that he got rid of all the bugs. And in all of our houses we have never really had many bugs or if they come in they disappear chortly after. My parents have been out of town with their family and well it's made me go outside less and less. Well my mom manages her plants which I at least have watered and My dad is all over the place outside so there is hardly any bugs... It's not the same. :(

I go outside and there are webs everywhere. Well that's a huge exagerration. They are everywhere but not all over the place... just in many many places. I have to take  out the trash. Spider webs there and in the mail box... *Shivers* Decided to a my phone flash light. There were black widows webbing from the trash can to the recycle one. And I hadn't realized there were so many spiders... the more I saw them, the more I freaked out. I hadn't realized and now I wished I hadn't. I don't even want to go out at night anymore. It's stupid, out there. Now, I miss my parents. The house feels so empty without them and so big.
*sigh* oh well... Spiders just want to live but I think they're the scariest things ever... I don't know why but I hate 'em .... I don't want them close and I can't even kill them because thinking about it (unless it's sprayed) then it freaks me out...

Ant, are the most annoying pests...
Spiders, scariest
roaches, the most disgusting

The 3 things I can't stand!!!